Landscape Photography Clumber Park (On a Bike!)

This weeks video is now live on Youtube. This week I start my new series on Landscape Photography where I reach my location on Gravel Bike! So photography, getting fit and saving the planet in one go! What more could you want. As always like and subscribe if you haven't already. Thanks for watching.

Landscape Photography - Flooding and capturing those unique images.

My latest Youtube video is now live. This week I take advantage of the flooding of the River Trent behind our house and go looking for some unique images only available to because of this extreme event. Please watch to the end of the video for more images. I would also love it if you like and subscribe to the channel!


Summer Macro Workshops


Due to the success of my One 2 One Photography Days I am now able to provide half day sessions on Macro Photography. If you have an interest in the smaller creatures that are often all around us and would love to see them in close up detail then this is the session for you.

Ideally you need a digital SLR or a mirror-less camera and a lens with macro capability. A dedicated macro lens is ideal as this will enable you to get true 1:1 images.


I prefer to work One-2-One with clients and would never work with more than three people at any one time as I prefer to give a client my full attention so that you are not left with gaps in your knowledge at the end of the session.

I have a number of nature reserves in Nottinghamshire that have good opportunities for macro photography throughout the summer months.

Sessions are charged at £30 and you can book on the calendar link below.

Once a session is booked I will contact you to arrange where to meet. Most people prefer to leave there vehicle at my address and travel to the location with me but most arrangements can be catered for.

If you want more information please feel free to email me at or Mob: 07791426742.

All The Best.


If you want more information please feel free to email me at or Mob: 07791426742.

All The Best.


Scott Tilley Photography - YouTube Channel

As I mentioned in the about page of my website, at the start of 2018 I opened my own Youtube Channel specifically dealing with all things Landscape Photography. I have found this to be a fun way to engage with other photographers and viewers. The Channel is only in its early stages but I try to produce a new video every week to ten days. Most of the videos run alongside shooting locations and are useful if other photographers are visiting that area of the country and are looking for potential locations to shoot. Mostly the videos are meant to be entertaining with some bits of useful information thrown in. As always I am always happy to receive comments either on Youtube or the website. If you want further information on a location than the video gives please contact me and if I can help I will.

This weeks video see's me coming down to normality after a fantastic week of photography in the far North West of Scotland. I shoot locally and try to get some interesting sots from around Newark Castle and the river Trent area.

The link to the video is below.