You might be wondering what has been happening with the website and the Blog over the last few months, so here is an update on why all has been quiet!
As some of you will know as well as being a passionate photographer I also enjoy health and fitness. Sport for me really began when I took up road cycling in my late teens. As I got older this morphed into duathlons and triathlons. During this time I also took up digital photography. A strange combination I know but they never seemed to run at the same time. What tended to happen was that I would be in triathlon mode, train too hard, burn out and go back to photography. Put on weight, decided I needed to get fit and go back to triathlon and the process would repeat. Now a couple of years ago I really thought I had done with triathlon. I either got injured or put to much stress on myself for that A event, it was never fun (hence the shout of other club members that I was never smiling when I came into the finish. Why? because I was always trying too hard)
However, just as I began to throw myself back into landscape photography, I hit fifty and perhaps some would call it a midlife crisis but I signed up for the Outlaw. Now the Outlaw is Nottinghamshires very own Ironman triathlon. My reasons for entering where simple, I had never done the full Ironman distance before and I am determined to do it this time with a smile on my face. I also wanted to stop the cycle of photography and training and run them both together. So far this does seem to be working. Ironman training is pretty intense and I am currently doing around seven hours training per week but this will rise as the July 2019 race date gets closer.
The New Bike
2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike, 26.22 mile run
This limits my time out with the camera, however, it really does give you something to look forward to after the hours of swim,bike,run. I don't intend to use this site to give updates of my training and kit choices as that's a whole different area and I suspect few of you follow the path I do. (I would be intrigued to know if there are others!)
Photography wise I have decided to take a hiatus from the running of my Youtube channel as it really does take up a lot of time and can impact on the quality of images you produce as you get bogged down with sound quality and filming. Needless to say I had hoped this would free up some free time for personal photography projects but this coincided with a flood of product photography jobs and days out teaching.
Anyway, this is a short update just to let you know where I'm at. I recently uploaded an image taken at Morton Castle in Dumfries and Galloway, this is located in the night sky gallery so please take a look and let me know what you think.
I will speak to you soon.