Bird Photography - Close to Home

With a lot of travelling on the cards over the next few weeks I decide to head out into familiar territory with no clear plans. Sometimes those unplanned sessions give you the chance to unwind and not worry about what does or doesn't pass in front of the camera. Sometimes just being out in nature is enough. Join me as I unwind at my local RSPB reserve Langford Lowfields.

Wildlife Photography with a 60 Year Old Lens!

After using a 30mm Pentacon lens from the 1960's to create some Infrared images a couple of weeks ago I had the crazy idea to try and take wildlife images with a lens of similar vintage. This sounded like a good idea at the time! Find out how I got on in part one where I make life easy for the lens by shooting garden birds just to see if the optics are up to it before some more strenuous tests in further videos.

Wildlife Photography - More time and Better Light!

These are the might have been shoots the times when it was almost or could have been perfect. They normally happen for me when my photography is tagged onto something else, and this is the story of this video. Join me as I try to fit a photography vlog into a whistle stop trip from Nottinghamshire to Wick on the far North East tip of Scotland. A fight with time and weather, changing plans and looking back at what more time and better light could have lead to. Ah well there's always next time.

Wildlife Photography - Don't Give Up

Ever have one of those days where despite all your best efforts and using all your skill the wildlife just won't play ball. Well don't worry it happens to us all. In this weeks video I had intended to shoot at some local woodland but with terrible light conditions I changed my plans and headed for the newly harvested fields. I set everything up for success but the wildlife is absent. But perseverance pays off and I do eventually get a reward for the early start and hours of work.

After The Harvest - Wildlife Photography as the Fields Open Up Again

The last few months it has been difficult to take pictures of the wildlife in my local area. With the fields full of arable crops most wildlife can pass un-noticed. This week saw the first combined harvesters in the fields around me and after glimpsing some roe deer ears above the crop I take the opportunity to try and get some images as they emerge to feed on the crops not collected by the farmer.

In Search Of Badgers

As we race towards the longest day in the UK, now is the perfect time to find your local badger sett and watch these beautiful mammals. In this video I begin the task of trying to get some images of these elusive creatures. In my previous videos I have shown you how to locate a badger sett and the signs to look for. This time I show you how I set up to photograph them and lets just say as can often be the case things don't really go to plan.